
Reporting Sexual Assault

It's On Us is a campaign that raises awareness of sexual assault and supports survivors.

Reporting Sexual Assault

UCR does not tolerate sexual assault in any form. If you have been assaulted, you will be supported. If you know someone who has been assaulted, follow the standard procedures that follow to get them help.

Initial reports should be made to the Title IX/Sexual Harassment Office for investigation. Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Programs issues sanctions and takes administrative action for students found responsible for violating sexual harassment/assault/violence policies.

Get Help

If you have been sexually assaulted, we strongly urge you to:

  • Call 911.

    Call 911 or the UC Police Department  at (951) 827-5222 (2-5222 from campus phones).

    An officer will be dispatched to the scene and explain criminal and medical procedures to you.

  • Get medical attention.

    Seek immediate medical help to treat injuries, protect against STDs and pregnancy, and (if you choose) preserve evidence. Don’t bathe, change clothes, or eat/drink until you are examined. The police can help you get medical help, or you can call:

    • Riverside County Regional Medical Center Sexual Assault Response Team
      (951) 486-5650

    • Student Health Services 
      (951) 827-3031
      Important: Student Health Services exams are not admissible for legal purposes.

    If the police take you to the Riverside County Regional Medical Center, an advocate from the Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center and a specially trained Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) member will be dispatched to the hospital to help you.

    Any health center treating a violent crime survivor is obligated to report the crime to the police.

  • Get support.

    Call Your Advocate
    Contact the UCR Sexual Assault Resource Services Consultant (SARSC) at (951) 827-6225. The SARSC will advocate for you, explain your options, and help you make informed decisions in an unbiased, confidential, safe environment. They can help with everything from filing a police report to obtaining safe housing.

    Call a 24-Hour Helpline
    National Sexual Assault Helpline
    (800) 656-HOPE (4673)

    UCR 24-Hour Counseling Helpline
    (951) 827-5531 (951) UCR-TALK (2-TALK from campus phones)

    CARE Advocates
    (951) 827-6225

    Make a Counseling Appointment
    UCR students get free counseling from Counseling & Psychological Services.

    Join Programs from Empowerment and Healing
    CARE offers confidential programs for survivors of sexual and relationship violence. Call the CARE office at (951) 827-5669 or email for more information.

    See the Resources section of this page for more ways to get support.

  • An investigation will happen.

    The police will interview the accused and witnesses, and collect evidence. If warranted, the accused may be arrested, or the case may be forwarded to the Riverside County District Attorney for prosecution consideration.

    The Title IX/Sexual Harassment Office will also conduct an administrative investigation. This investigation is not a criminal procedure. Cases that may not have sufficient evidence for criminal action may still have sufficient evidence for administrative action on campus.

  • You can choose to file a police report.

    "Reporting" sexual assault is not the same as prosecuting through the criminal justice system.

    You can file a report and change your mind about prosecuting later. However, if you don’t file a report right away, and later on want to, the best evidence (police interviews, physical evidence, etc.) may be gone. For that reason, UCR strongly encourages you to involve police as soon as possible.

    If you file a police report, you will have access to Victim Services including help navigating the court system, counseling, advocacy, and financial assistance.

Help Someone Else

Follow UCR’s compassionate, standard procedure for assisting someone (student, faculty, staff, guest) who reports sexual assault. Get specific steps to follow, regardless of where/when the incident occurred.

Keep in mind: You should never force a particular course of action on a survivor (except when they may endanger themselves or others). Instead, educate survivors about their options and empower them to make their own informed decisions.

If you have questions, contact the Title IX/Sexual Harassment Office at (951) 827-7070. They investigate all on-campus sexual assault reports and can explain options and policies.


Title IX/Sexual Harassment Office
Dean of Students Sexual Assault Resources 
CARE Advocates

Emergency Services  911
UC Police Department (951) 827-5222
Title IX/Sexual Harassment Office (951) 827-7070
Student Affairs Case Management (951) 827-5000
Student Health Services   (951) 827-3031
Counseling & Psychological Services (951) 827-5531 (24 Hours)
Women's Resource Center (951) 827-3337
CARE Advocates (951) 827-6225
LGBT Resource Center (951) 827-2267
Assistant Director of Residence Life, Judicial  (951) 827-6350 or 4252
Student Conduct & Academic Integrity Programs (951) 827-4208
Office of the Ombuds (951) 827-3213
Vice Chancellor of Diversity (951) 827-5604 or 6223
Vice Provost for Academic Personnel (951) 827-2304
Faculty and Staff Assistance Program   (951) 781-0510
Academic Personnel Office (951) 827-4847
Riverside University Health System Medical Center (951) 486-5650
Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center (951) 686-7273 (24 hours)
Alternatives to Domestic Violence (951) 683-0829 (24 hours)
National Sexual Assault Network Helpline (800) 656-HOPE (4673) (24 hours)